What is Woolback? A Toklat innovation. Woolback® was specifically designed to stand up to the harsh rigors of everyday riding. This extra heavy, machine washable wool pile fabric provides the ultimate protection for your horse's body. It is superb for long hours of heavy riding where all the advantages of natural wool are so important. It is ideal for schooling, trail and endurance riding.
Check out the added benefits of WoolBack®:
Wool is Natural For the horse owner, no other fiber combines comfort, safety and durability like wool. Wool is Absorbent While synthetics only trap moisture between fibers, wool actually absorbs 80% of its own weight in moisture. Keeps your horse's back moist, not wet. Wool Breathes Wool is very porous, allowing for continuous air circulation and the release of moisture during use. Wool Does Not Slip Unlike any other fiber, natural wool has minute "barbs" that grip the hair on your horse's back to keep the saddle pad from slipping. Wool is Tough Wool's natural resiliency reduces wear and with proper care it will provide years of soft cushioned protection for your horse. Wool Looks Great Wool does not soil as quickly as synthetics because the unique structure of the fibers resists dirt penetration.