Many horses are comfortable with the standard medium pommel insert that the Barefoot English and endurance style saddles sell with. We recommend you print out the sizing template and place it on your horse to determine what size pommel is appropriate.
Click here to print out the sizing template for your horse, and follow the steps below:
Step 1: Important: To easily change the pommel, never lay the saddle flat on the ground!Put
the saddle on a saddle rack or similar, such as a sofa backrest for
stabilization. Detach the adjustable seat and put it forward over the
front pommel.
Step 2: Open the zipper pocket and widen the opening carefully.
Step 3: Now the pommel insert can be pulled out step-by-step by removing one side after the other.
Step 4:
First put in the new exchange pommel into one side of the pocket.
Please pay attention to the correct direction of the pommel, which is
labeled as follows: "R" for right and "L" for left, as seen from the
rider's view.
Step 5: Insert the other side of the pommel
into the pocket. The new pommel must be completely and deeply stuck in.
The pocket should be filled out totally.
Step 6: To check
whether the pommel is seated correctly, move both zipper parts together
by using the thumb and forefinger of both hands. If the zipper sides do
touch each other over the pommel, the pommel sits perfectly.
Step 7:
The zipper can now be easily closed. If the closing should not be
possible or if the zip doesn't slide easily, do not apply force, but
recheck the pommel's fit and put it even deeper into the pocket.